Retargeting without having to worry about iOS 14

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Automatically adding people to a custom audience based on how much interest they show in your videos. Retarget your already engaged audience, automatically, in less than two minutes.

Gain access today – No credit card required.

interestinsights video audiences overview
Hidden interests

You spend hours creating ads for your business that work and targeting.

But then Apple releases iOS 14 🤦‍♂️

Now you have to start over from scratch..

..or so you thought. We've created video audience, so that you can utilize Facebook's custom audience with videos as source, without ever having to deal with iOS 14 again.

interestinsights video audience old way

The old way

Repetitive process on Facebook™

Facebook have had the solution for iOS 14 available all along, custom audiences with videos. But it was never usable.

Having to select every video for each new audience

Creating a single custom audience takes minutes

Manually have to add new videos to audience

Takes more than 10 steps and +100 clicks

interestinsights video audience our way

Our way

Create once, automated forever

With interestinsights you can create your automated custom audiences, and reuse it again and again, with just a few clicks.

Every video is automatically added with one click

Every new video gets added to the audience automatically

iOS 14 and future updates proof

Create new audiences with one click in seconds

Automatically retarget engaged audience

Creating custom audiences on Facebook™ from people who have watched your videos, is not a new feature. However, on Facebook™ it's a slow and time-consuming process. The audience does not get auto populated with new data, as you add new videos to your pages.

With interestinsights you can easily create new audiences with various criterias on how engaged the people who have watched your videos are. Every time you add a new video to your page, the people who have watched the videos, will automatically be added to your audience by interestinsights, so you never have to touch a finger again, and never worry about iOS 14 again.

Sign up for free

Step 1

Connect your Ads account

Videos and pages from all of your connected accounts.

Step 2

Select your page and criteria

Multiple criterias of engagement from your viewers, applied to all of your videos.

Step 3

Use audience in your ads

Set your ads audience once, and new videos will automatically get added.

Create audience

In a few seconds with a few clicks, you can create an audience with all the videos of any of your pages.

Sign up for free

interestinsights page statistics
interestinsights select audience in Facebook Ads Manager

Instantly avaible for your ads

Your audiences will be created and available for your ads immediately. Once created, just navigate to Facebook Ads manager and select the audience for your ad set.

Sign up for free

Update with new videos

Every time you add a new video to your page, we automatically add the videos to your audience. Once a user has watched your new video, they will be added to the audience, without further work from you.

Sign up for free

interestinsights create post with videos on Facebook

Target an audience with higher engagement, that you know have seen your videos


Avg. increase in ROAS

Compare features Pixel retargeting (old way) Video audiences interestinsights
iOS 14 compatible
Only target engaged viewers
All visitors or viewers of content
Retention days of audience 7 365 365
Automatically updated
Fast and simple to setup
Specific and detailed segmentation /

iOS 14 or any future updates cannot change or remove this way of creating audiences for retargeting. The feature have existed for a long time, but was never viable, since it took hours to maintain custom audiences with new videos being uploaded. As an agency with 100s of clients, keeping up with their new videos was impossible. However, compared to regular audiences from Pixel, where the retention days are 7 days, and no way of knowing for how long a visitor have been on your website, all of this is improved with interestinsights' video audience. Retention days up-to 365 days and specifically selecting for how long your target audience have watched your videos.

Frequently asked questions

Verified by Facebook

Why video audiences through interestinsights?
While creating video audiences through Facebook Ads Manager is still possible, there is no other way to automate it, than with interestinsights. The only other way would be to create a custom made tool yourself, by getting verified by Facebook™ and gain permission to their APIs. While staying on top of bugs and new releases.

Save the hassle, and let interestinsights do all the work for you.
How does video audience work?
  • Connect your Facebook account to interestinsights
  • Select the page you want videos from, to your audience
  • Select the ad account you want to have the audience created under
  • Chose which viewers to include. Ex. People who have watch the video for at least 10 seconds
  • Decide for how many days viewers should be included. All the way up-to 365 days
  • And last, pick a name for your custom audience

  • Once you have completed those simple steps, the audience will be available to select in your ad sets, and ready target.
Is this different than other Facebook marketing tools?
Yes, no other tool on the market let's you automate and create unlimited video audiences, like us.
If you are concerned about iOS 14 and other updates that might limit your ads, interestinsights will finally enable you focus on ads again, and never have to worry about detailed targeting again.
Is video audiences only available for video ads?
No, but in order to create an audience based on the viewers of your videos on your Facebook™ page, you need to have at least one video on your page. Once you have that, and created the audience, you can use the audience for any kind of ad.
Is video audiences only available for video ads?
No, but in order to create an audience based on the viewers of your videos on your Facebook™ page, you need to have at least one video on your page. Once you have that, and created the audience, you can use the audience for any kind of ad.
How many video audiences can I make?
As many as you want. You are not limited by pages or ads accounts either, you can create as many audiences for as many pages and accounts you have. We encourage our users to create multiple audiences per page, with different engagement of viewers, and test the same ads with each audience. Ex. create two audiences for one page with People who have watched the complete video and People who have watched past 50% of the videos length.
Do I have to install anything on my website or add something to my Facebook™ page?
No, interestinsights works right out of the box. No need for Pixel or anything else on your website, or for you to add any apps to your Facebook™ page.
Wasn't your question answered?
Please contact us on if you have further questions, or want any of the answers elaborated.

Ready to get started? It's free!