Understand your videos, and make them better

Verified by Facebook

Analyze and compare your Facebook videos across multiple pages with interestinsights and improve your audience retention.

Gain access today – No credit card required.

interestinsights video insights

Comparing audience retention for videos on Facebook™ is impossible


Avg. increase in productivity

interestinsights audience retention old way

The old way

Comparing videos on Facebook™

If you want to create great videos, you need to know when your audience stop watching. Facebook makes it hard to compare videos.

Can't compare audience retention

Small chart

Best effort requires more tabs

Timestamps are not aligned.

interestinsights audience retention our way

Our way

Multiple videos in one chart

Facebook have all the metrics. interestinsights lets you compare them. It's easy to create a successful video with the right tools.

Multiple retention graphs in one chart

Compare videos from all pages

Easily navigate through all your videos

Connect multiple accounts

Video insights for Facebook videos

Facebook Insights tracks retention for each video. It shows on a graph, at what point along the length of the video users drop off. Retention data is useful in improving the quality of our videos.
But you can only see this for one video at the time.
With interestinsights you can find and compare your best videos, and analyze how to improve their performance.

Sign up for free


Multiple videos at once

Compare multiple videos on one chart and metrics table.


From pages and accounts

Videos from all of your pages and connected accounts.


Analyze your videos

Studying your video analytics, will make you create better content.

Page statistics

Get a quick overview of your pages performance and easily compare how each videos perform.

Sign up for free

interestinsights page statistics
interestinsights preview videos

Preview videos

View and control your videos from the chart. Hover the chart and see where in the video, you are losing viewers.

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Compare chart and table

interestinsights creates a chart of your selected videos and a table to compare the metrics of each video.

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interestinsights compare chart and table

Ready to get started? It's free!